You will need:

* Flash 9 (Download HERE)
* Cheat engine 5.5 (Download HERE)
* Autobet (Download [part1][part2][part3])


  1. Go into PS
  2. Go to Stadium, Bet, Select anyone, DON'T press 'Ready'
  3. Go to cheat engine 5.5, select your IE/Firefox as process, tick HEX, 8bytes, ASROM
  4. Scan "5D8B00000652840F"
  5. Only 1 address returned. Disassemble.
  6. Right click and select 'Go To Address'
  7. Copy that address
  8. Click the this Link to Paste it the address in the PS Carreracoin Hack generator.
  9. Press Generate and copy out all the generated codes
  10. Now go back to cheat engine 5.5, click Tools >Auto Assemble and paste all the codes there
  11. Click Execute > OK
  12. Now back in PS, click ready and watch the race. you will get +1000 TWO TIMES even if you lose.

  1. Go to Stadium.
  2. Download all 3 parts, use WINRAR to extract the 2 files out.
  3. Open the autobet and you will see this image. Select the number of times you want to runn this cheat. (in the image, it's 10). Click on any of the 3 buttons for auto bet (those translated in red) If unclear, check my video